Sundays at St Saviour’s
Whether you’ve got it all together or you’re hanging on by a thread; whether you’ve been following Jesus for decades or you’re not even sure if He’s real; whether you’re committed or questioning, grateful or grieving - you’re always welcome at St Saviour’s.
Morning worship
Sundays at 11:00am (includes communion on the 3rd sunday of the month)
Our typical Sunday service includes times of silent prayer and joyful celebration, old hymns and new songs, ancient liturgy and relevant Bible teaching, peace, calm, and (if we’re honest) a little bit of chaos. Kids ministry programmes meet during the service and tea and coffee are served after… and anyone and everyone are always welcome.
Family Worship
2nd Sunday of the month at 11:00AM
On the 2nd Sunday of the month, everyone worships together from the youngest to the oldest. We love kids and we want them and their families to feel just as important to our community as our founding members (of which there are still a few around!). We also believe kids often understand Jesus better than the rest of us, so we don’t water down the message. Family services have all the same basic ingredients, they are just presented in a way that is accessible for all ages and stages - the words are a little simpler, the songs have more actions, and the talks are shorter and more interactive. There’s something very beautiful about hearing an 8 year old pray “Your Kingdom come,” and seeing an 80 year old attempt to floss during worship.
2nd and 4th SUNDAY of the month at 7:00pm
Our evening services are where we go deep into Scripture, worship, and prayer. On the 2nd Sunday of the month we enjoy extended times of worship and teaching as we join Shankill Parish for Deeper in the Jethro Centre. On the 4th Sunday of the month we seek God’s presence and power in Worship and Intercession in our own church building.