Call or Visit


St. Saviour’s Church of Ireland,
Drumgor West Road,
BT65 4AH

(Off Roundabout No. 3)

Directions to the Church

St. Saviour's is located off Roundabout No. 3, the "Lakes Roundabout" on the main road between Lurgan and Portadown. You take the second exit on the left off that Roundabout into Drumgor West Road, (there is a sign saying 'Church of Ireland'). The church is situated on the right hand side about a quarter of a mile up that road. It is a modern red brick building.


Stu Armstrong



Lay Reader and Organist 

Laura Barnett

Phone: 028 3834 0059


Parish Readers

Elizabeth Moore

Elizabeth Moore

Doreen Speers

Doreen Speers